February 2023
So much is happening at JAPB, and because we have not wanted to swamp the front page with a notice for every single page we’ve added, one might easily draw the wrong conclusion that very little is going on.
Au contraire, mon amis.
Below is a short list of every new content that’s been added to JAPB in February 2023. Besides new pages, also a lot of pages have received some updates, especially in the form of added and improved pictures of lenses.
Articles published in February 2023
• Intermediate mounts
• Being Strategic with adapters
• Lens mounts: Canon R
• Lens mounts: Canon RF
• Lens mounts: Fujifilm G
• Lens mounts: Fujifilm X
• Lens mounts: Leica M
• Lens mounts: Nikon 1
• Lens mounts: Nikon S
• Lens mounts: Nikon Z
• Lens mounts: Sony FE (Sony E)
• Lens mounts: T-4/TX
• Lens mounts: Tamron Adaptall (1&2)
Data sheets published in February 2023
• Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar 5 cm f/1.5 (for Contax/Kiev)
• Nikkor F 2,8 cm f/3.5 (Nippon Kogaku Nikkor-H)
Walk-arounds published in February 2023
None. The weather has been simply dismal, but luckily there is some hope as the amount of light again starts being conducive to photography.